
Tirrenia Marmi has perfected an efficient, well established workflow to manage the entire production chain in-house, from block squaring (marble, granite and stone) to slab cutting and polishing.

A multichannel target
Our target clients consist of marble trading Companies, Stone contractors, Architectural Studios and Designers to whom, upon request, we also offer finished products and all the other items that make up an entire architectural or interior design project, through selected partners operating in-house with innovative and high-performance company-owned machinery.
The supply chain concept
As part of a strategic renewal process carried out over the past few years, Tirrenia Marmi has upgraded its production chain with cutting-edge machinery for all the different processes, from diamond blade frames to polishing machines, up to and including computerized machines to carry out projects, including complex ones, entrusting the process to rigorously selected in-house partners.
Innovation driving creativity
A 5-axis milling machine and a brand new CNC machine provide precision machining of all types, with great attention to quality and detail, setting no limits on creativity. A rigorous, constant control over all the stages of production and processing, including dry-laying in order to make sure the parts match, means we can guarantee that our Clients obtain the highest quality standards of workmanship.